Courage to go deep with a view to the goal
We organize an arena for communication and emotion - whether for team retreats, strategy workshops or all hands on deck events. Good workshop facilitation picks up all participants where they are at the moment, creates space for honest dialogue, always keeps the goal in mind and focuses the participant's thoughts.

What makes us special:
With more than 25 years of experience in the consulting and team coaching business, we master the balance of planning and structuring in advance with appropriate situational interventions. No matter how big the event, we keep an eye on the group dynamics at all times and are not afraid to address the elephant in the room in some situations. Our USP is to understand the core of the core, to put it into words and make it understandable for the participants - the first step for a change in thinking, feeling and acting.
Awareness:Every colleague, every team and every organization has a story. Without knowing this story, every workshop is only half as effective. That's why we recommend an intensive preparation process. Target discussions, interviews with employees and an activating kick-off communication are suitable for this.
Activation:During the workshop or event we strongly believe in participative, action-oriented or otherwise activating sessions. Motivation research has shown: I am only willing to change my behavior and my view on things if I myself feel concern and urgency. Thus, we ask all target groups: What's in it for me?
Acceleration:You probably know it. A big event or a special workshop sparks energy and creates connectedness. But the challenge remains: How can this energy flow sustainably into the implementation of the results? We offer ideal follow-up programs that specialize in workshop sustainability.
Why take advantage of a workshop moderation with us?
The valuable view from the outside
Overwhelming complexity
Especially in change and transformation processes, entrepreneurs and managers are often in a dilemma: on the one hand, they want to involve as many employees as possible; on the other hand, it is crucial that quick results are achieved and visible. In addition, your team is overwhelmed by the complexity of the change, conflicts arise and motivation decreases.
Making complex issues understandable
As a business moderator, we support the communication and lively exchange of all participants in the discussion on the topics of the respective agenda. Complex issues such as change processes and organizational development are our focus and become more understandable for all roles present. We moderate goal-oriented in workshops and working groups, e.g. for process and organizational changes, supported by group and individual coaching.
From thinking space to action space
The prudent and goal-oriented moderation of decision-making processes is a key competence. We are concerned with working in an agile, productive and effective manner and picking up speed in transformation processes. To do this, participants must move from conceptualizing and discussing to taking action. This facilitation competence, coupled with a variety of methods and the valuable view from the outside, can facilitate the step from thinking space to action space.
A common experience
Because the event should go down in the history of your company
We address the participants at your event on a cognitive and emotional level: because we combine information and intellectual exchange with motivating and activating elements. With our concepts, you ensure the sustainability of your change projects: Your managers and employees deal intensively with the change topics and take responsibility.

From big events to team workshops
Our portfolio of moderation services
All hands on deck events
For us, employee and staff events are valuable stages for creating bonding and alignment in the workforce through a mixture of "tone from the top" and participation. Care should be taken to ensure that breakout groups can provide a good mix and that employees can network across functions.
Leadership Days
In the post-Covid era, presence formats need to take a new shape. Away from frontal sound bites and celebrity speaker engagement, towards topics and content focused on bonding, cohesion and face-to-face encounters. For leadership teams in particular, unity, cohesion and constructive collaboration is an important signal to the rest of the organization.
Team Dialogues
Many of our customers report a decrease in team affiliation and bonding due to the hybrid working environment. Team workshops in presence offer a framework for exchange outside of the daily work routine, the feeling of lightness and humor, and even a beer at the bar among colleagues.
Online Events
Despite the benefits of workshops and face-to-face meetings, in some cases it is not possible to meet in person due to excessive physical distances or other special circumstances. We have done a lot of research over the pandemic years, gained positive experience, and developed a variety of methods that can trigger a similar sense of connection.
When in presence and when digital?
Many ask themselves, which format is suitable for which topic? It is helpful to know the following about the new form of communication - online meetings and online events:
Learn to moderate for virtual meetings
Talking in the digital space poses different challenges than talking to each other in the office. Corridor chatter is shifting, and it takes practice to recognize undesirable opinion formation and take appropriate countermeasures. We have a plan and will guide you!
1. situation sounding
What is the starting situation? What are the most important challenges you should discuss? What is the current meeting and dialog culture like? How are meetings in the digital space working so far? What is going well, what do you urgently need to improve?
2. target definition and course determination
What is the communication/leadership goal? And what role does the upcoming meeting play in this?
Who should attend the meeting? What can contribute to its success? What agenda modules are needed? Which methods?
3. meeting moderation and follow-up
Preparation-Execution-Follow-up and Sustainability.
Digital meeting evaluation
Sustainability nudges for activation
Derivation of communication activities
Why Strasser & Strasser
As a leading company for change management and consulting, Strasser & Strasser works at the interface to the future of our clients: We move organizations from the big picture to the individual.
Established:Over 25 years of successful change management consulting
Profound:Scientific-psychological approach
Innovative:Digital Change Management Solutions
Participatory:Co-Creation with our clients
Personal:Owner managed company
Frequently asked questions
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