About us
Why Strasser & Strasser
We move organizations from the big picture to the individual employee.

Our vision - We want to activate HUMANS
Through deep learning, dialogue, and a people-first approach, we empower people to participate and network within the organization and drive culture change throughout the organization through individual personal development.
Established:Over 25 years of successful change management consulting
Profound:Scientific-psychological approach
Innovative:Digital Change Management Solutions
Participatory:Co-creation with our customers
Personal:Owner managed company
A strong leadership duo
In (generational) transition
In January 2024, founder Dr. Eva Strasser successfully transferred the family business to the 2nd generation to her niece Marlene Strasser. With David Schnell, Marlene Strasser has brought an expert in organizational development with psychotherapeutic expertise onto the Management Board. While Eva Strasser moves to the Supervisory Board and remains active as a senior consultant and executive coach for our clients, Marlene Strasser and David Schnell will lead the company into the future as a Management Board duo. Thanks to their complementary profiles, the combination of psychological and psychotherapeutic expertise with business management expertise will remain the DNA of Strasser & Strasser.

Our values
At Strasser & Strasser, we share six values that guide our teamwork and collaboration with our clients. Our customers say we are special, and that makes us proud.
Real Passion
We love what we do. Our work is much more than a job, a customer much more than an order. For us, it's about the cause and about the people. We rejoice together in successes and give our all in times of crisis. We inspire ourselves and our customers.
True Diversity
Diversity is not just a "nice to have" for us, but an absolute must. This is the only way we can offer our customers innovative, custom-fit and tailor-made solutions. We are Inter-Generational, Cross-Gender, Inter-National and Cross-Functional!
Family Power
As a family business, we see ourselves as one big family. The company is part of family life. This inclusive model allows us to go the extra mile for our customers and enjoy it together.
Smart Diligence
Transformation processes are systemically complex. We take the emotions of those involved seriously and weigh all possible effects. In the process, we quickly get to know new cultures in their depth and complexity. As a result, executives avoid risks through our consulting and take advantage of opportunities in the transformation.
Courageous pragmatism
Change processes in today's complex and volatile world need pioneering spirit and powerful visions. We have the courage to develop fast and pragmatic solutions. We know quickly when to boldly take new steps and when it is worth pausing and reconsidering.
German Humor
Change processes can be of an almost unbearable severity. For us, humor, fun and joy are more than just a "coping strategy"; in times of crisis and transformation, they are essential for survival. We live and promote this both in our work with our clients and in our own team.
»I'm still euphoric about how much fire, inspiration and energy came from this work.«
A company with history
Over the last 25 years, Strasser & Strasser developed methods and formats along the Learning Organisation of Peter Senge at the M.I.T. Since then, the company and its team has supported countless organizations, has handled a multiple of change projects in varying industries. All that intellectual capital manifested itself in tools, such as the 8 Levers of Change ®.
25+ years of change experience:Strasser & Strasser AG was founded in Munich in 1996 by Dr. Eva Strasser and Dr. Georg Strasser. Since then, it has consistently supported companies in change.
300+ customer systems:From start-ups to corporations, from social organizations to listed companies, from hidden champions to family-run rock stars.
23+ industries:We support our clients across sectors and industries: from finance to automotive, from aid organizations to ministries, from insurance to IT.
12 countries:In which we are active with our customers. We support organizations locally and internationally.
Our theoretical framework
Awareness, activation, acceleration
AWARENESS: What is at the heart of the upcoming change project? Where coulb be objectives, opportunities and challenges? Without a shared understanding of how the change affects the thinking, the feelings and the actions of all potential stakeholders, no energy is generated. The change process loses power and fizzels out. "Shared awareness" is indispensable for the sustainable success of change. ACTIVATION:Effective solutions are needed for transformations to succeed. Sustainability arises when these are developed and supported not only by executives, but by many people in the organization. We offer programs that enable employees and managers to produce ideas courageously, learn together during the implementation, and network sustainably. ACCELERATION: When awareness arises and activation succeeds, change is accelerated. Momentum is created through self-organization and growth through dynamism. while employees have organized themselves, they have learned to network and to solve problems more quickly together and with others. Leadership encourages, supports and enables this learning process.

8 Levers of Change ®
The 8 Levers of Change® are our proven guideline for designing successful change processes. They are based on the Learning Organization by Peter Senge developed at MIT.